Former Professor Emeritus at IIT-Kharagpur and currently Director of LNMIIT, Dr. Ranjan Gangopadhay shares his views on what it takes to build a great institution...
Five Signs You're in the Wrong JobBy Amanda Frank, Monster Contributing Writer
You’re not quite content at work, nevertheless you shuttle to and fro your...
Exam: Nationwide Education and Scholarship Test (N.E.S.T.) Junior 2013
Conducted by: SEMCI (India), Mumbai, flag-bearer of the SU Foundation of India
By Mark Sparrow, Vice President, Professional & Technical - Asia Pacific, Kelly Services
Looking to change? Change is a constant in the business world and...
Institute: S P Jain School of Global Management (Dubai, Singapore and Sydney campus)
Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA):
Four-year programme for undergraduates
Candidates study...